Sunday, April 11, 2010

Read-A-Thon Week- Activity #7/ Sunday Recap

Activity #7 Wrap Up
I had a very good reading week, although I didn’t make it to 15 books I still got some quality reading time in and organized my sidebars. With challenge #1 I got to take a look at the craziness going on with the overflow of books in the house and I’ll be having some Clean-away-the-shelves giveaway here soon.

Reading Accomplished
  1. Split by Swati Avasthi
  2. Forget Me Not by Vicki Hinze
  3. 13 Treasures by Michelle Harrison 
  4. Prom Nights From Hell by Various Authors 
  5. The Dark Divine by Bree Dispain
  6. Embers by Laura Bickle
  7. Escape by Carolyn Jessop (been working on this for a month...whew!)
  8. Hold Still by Nina LaCour
  9. The Iron Daughter by Julie Kawaga
  10. The Clearing by Heather Davis
  11. Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder
  12. Outside The Ordinary World by Dori Ostermiller

  I’m happy to say all twelve were fantastic; Escape was a hard one to get through as it was a non-fiction memoir, so it took some time to weed through it, overall while I liked all of them I’d have to say Split by Swati Avasthi was the most powerful.


  1. I'm currently reading Escape and while I'm finding it to be an interesting read, it is taking me awhile to read. I have Embers here to read too so it looks like we've got similar tastes :)

  2. Wow you did great on the Readathon! You had some excellent books to read too. I have The Clearing and Inside Out and I just got The Iron Daughter but I haven't read them yet. I'm glad you enjoyed your books.

  3. 12 is still awesome! Congrats on your readathon success! :) I am totally jealous that you already read The Iron Daughter! :P


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