Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Bourne by Lisa T. Bergren

Bourne by Lisa T. Bergren
February 28, 2012 by Amazon
Kindle Release/Novella
Review Copy

Dear fellow readers....if you have not read Waterfall, Cascade or Torrent- this review might spoil some plot points from the previous books......please skip down to the last paragraph so your adventure with The River of Time series will be just as fun as mine was.

The Plot~

As Gabi reels from the aftermath of Torrents final battle she is faced with the responsibilities of being Lady Forelli of the Castle. With her father and husband Marcello wounded in battle, the others look to her for guidance and direction on how to take care of the men coming home and helping the grieving get through the loss of loved ones.

Regarded as traitors, now that Lord Greco and others of the brotherhood have been exposed, the Florentine's will stop at nothing to destroy them all and punish the Brotherhood and their family with death, as one of the brothers has the horror of finding out. On a mission to alert the unsuspecting members, Luca and Lia set out to spread the word and retrieve Luca's sister....but trouble hits fast when the group is ambushed and Luca ventures off by himself and then Lia being the She-Wolf she is, follows after. With Gabi holding down the fort with injured men, Greco missing and scumbags running amok, things don't look good for our never get a moments rest characters.......


Bourne is a little taste of a book, just a small glimpse into the events going down after Torrent's battle and Paratore's death. Its a hint of possibilities these richly complex characters are going to take and how much depth character development is going to become. I could break this all down and tell you about the writing, the drama and the voice of Lia, which was marvelously done or the heated love story of Luca and Lia, but I really only want to talk about Lord Greco.......and this is where I think Lisa can really expand on the RofT story, especially with the appeal of his character. 

Greco is best described (besides the hot, swoony, irresistible factor) as an unpeeled onion, we know he's good looking and strong...however his depth of emotion and political driven aspirations truly make him a fascinating character with layers to unveil. While Greco spends most of his time in Bourne with self-loathing and bordering on martyrdom, he certainly takes the cake as character champion in the end.

This is a world of war, disease, savagery, and intense emotion....but I cant help but want to be there...I want to ride its horses, wear its dresses, wield its swords and marry its men......

Lisa T~ i heart you and your books!!!!


Bourne is recommended to mature teens (15-up) and adults. Contains: Violence, murder and yes even some romance.

4/5- YA-Historical
Thanks to Lisa Bergren for Review Copy

Today you can get your own Copy for 99CENTS!! Don't miss out on this offer!!!!!

You can also get this at Smashwords and for your NOOK!


  1. Ack - this is the sort of time when I wish my Kindle could also buy US offerings! I would snap this up :-)

  2. Felicia the Geeky BloggerMarch 7, 2012 at 7:39 AM

    I got this but I am waiting till I read books 2 and 3 before I dive in. I did finally schedule them for my May/June YA reads :)

  3. Lisa Tawn BergrenMarch 7, 2012 at 11:14 AM

    Thanks so much for your ongoing River support, Tina! You're right...Greco has much to discover, ahead of him.

  4. Missie, The Unread ReaderMarch 7, 2012 at 11:58 AM

    I got this book a couple of days ago! I still can't believe I haven't read it yet. *slaps self*

    Though I'm not sure I'd ever picture Greco as an onion, I really wouldn't mind peeling off his layers. LOL

  5. My only wish for this book was more Greco. Though I will probably make that same wish with every book moving forward, so I can't really hold that against this story specifically. Loved the Luca/Lia interactions and of course Gabi and Marcello were fabulous as always:) Also, I want to marry this world's men too. Sign me up for that.

  6. Jen (In the Closet With a Bibliophile)March 7, 2012 at 9:07 PM

    Lord Greco said to tell you that he's unavailable as he and I are already....involved. And he's not to happy about you hiding the key from him last week. Good thing I know how to pick locks!

    Can't wait to get this. Is it wrong that I'm sad Lisa didn't tell me it was out? *cries* LOVE YOU! *hugs to death*


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