Monday, March 26, 2012

The Hunger Games- Thoughts on the Movie

I went and saw The Hunger Games this weekend and after waiting for an hour in-line, getting a seat and being mushed with tons of other people...I walked away having seen probably the best book to movie adaptation ever! I just wanted to share my overall thoughts....


The world of District 12 was exactly as I imagined it in my head, the clothing, colors, atmosphere, acting.......everything was perfect.

I think the most profound thing that happened while I watched this movie was the story's message- getting a visual effect on the voyeurism and war took it to a new level. I found it weird that everyone was eating popcorn and candy while we watched this movie about people starving. The movie gave the violence a visual that really broke my heart. Even now, I keep seeing that one little boy with the curly hair who was hiding get killed......from a parent perspective and having so many kids in the theater, I couldn't stomach it. While the violence was done in away to not show gore I cringed a lot.......

The scene with Rue- Um yeah I cried.....

I was surprised by how much I liked Gale in the movie, even with the few little scenes he had, I loved the way his character came across and how knowing the end of the story and having read the books, what a hard decision it must have been for Katniss......

Stanley Tucci- that was brilliant casting and Cinna- was awesome...even with the gold eyeliner!

I also liked how a few of the scenes weren't explained, only people who have read the books will understand the meaning behind them...and I LOVED how they made that special for the book fans.

The only thing I wished they would have done is drawn out more connection between Katniss and Peeta, more time in the cave and for sure the book ending with the hospital and more drama in the end interview, because book K&P had much more chemistry....but otherwise the movie was really brilliant.

Grade: A

What Im not Liking

I HATE the fact that elementary students are reading this and watching this, I cant believe how many little kids were at the movie I was in....I mean a 5-6 year old (maybe younger) was sitting behind me, while two little boys kept saying awesome when someone was killed... it makes me a little nauseous that elementary kids think its "soooo cooooolllll" .....can kids that young really understand the social commentary and political aspects Collins was trying to get across? Call me old fashioned but what the heck is wrong with these parents who take little kids to PG-13 and R rated movies????? That just pisses me off.


  1. Melissas Eclectic BookshelfMarch 26, 2012 at 11:59 AM

    Not that it wasn't a great movie (because it was) but I felt like it had the same issue that most adaptations do. There just wasn't enough time to develop the characters or the relationships. From all of the questions that my fiance asked me during and after the film...I realized that he just didn't get how the characters were connected or why things were such a big deal. To him it was more of an action movie which he enjoyed...but the emotional aspect was lacking. I'm sure that we could fill in and feel that aspect more since we'd read the books.


  2. Missie, The Unread ReaderMarch 26, 2012 at 12:59 PM

    Good point T, and one I didn't think about. The lack of explanation on somethings did kind of create a special bond between the movie and the book fans. I was thinking about it in a negative light, when I should have considered that.

    You're awesome! :)

  3. Felicia the Geeky BloggerMarch 26, 2012 at 1:04 PM

    I have a friend who saw it (hasn't read the books) and when she was telling me what she thought---this struck as a big thing that the movie might have missed the mark on: She said that she thought Peeta was using Katniss to stay alive and how was that going to work when they got back to District 12. She said he looked almost relieved when she said she wasn't sure how much was just for show. Now, I saw that as slightly upset but I read the books. I have to wonder now how many felt that way about Peeta/Katniss.

  4. I saw it yesterday and I have to say that it rocked! It was very faithful to the book and I also liked that they didn't have to explain everything. I just wished we got to know more about the Mockingjay pin so it would have more "oomph" to the story. Rue broke my heart and I cried too. I'm still have a bit mixed feelings about the lack of character development of the other Tributes but I can see how it works. I do agree with you about more interactions with Peeta and Katniss. Like you, I was a bit surprised that I got to know more about Gale than I did from the books. Still Team Peeta though!

  5. Yea! So glad to read your post. And you definitely hit home the fragility of the boy under the canopy.

    I really ached for these characters, even though they weren't as fleshed out as in the books. Pitting child against child is just wrenching, and as I said in my post, I was really nauseated for most of it just thinking of such an awful life.

    AAAGggh. I hope they make Catching Fire...and soon.

  6. I totally agree with you Tina. Why are people bringing their young children to see this movie? And there is no way I would let younger than a middle schooler read the books. People never cease to amaze!

  7. Bookish BrunetteMarch 26, 2012 at 8:13 PM

    This was my problem!!! I had NO ONE to watch my kids... And I wasn't taking mine with me! I'm pretty easy going about what they watch... But I like to see it first, and I can't imagine this is going to be one of the ones I let them watch on DVD with me! Lol

  8. Heidi@Rainy Day RamblingsMarch 26, 2012 at 11:45 PM

    I am dying to see this. Maybe next week, I need w babysitter. I agree, I was suprised that my nine year old niece' saw it, her parents are dirvoced, I mean the violent themes are best suited for teenagers and over.

  9. Eek, I was surprised at the really young kids in the theatre too! Agree with everything else you say!

  10. @Melissa- I went and saw it with the hubs and he liked it but didnt have the emotional connect must be a guy thing....;)

    @Missie- I do enjoy showing you awesome Jax, THG, and my overall wisdom...(lol)

    @Felicia- I thought Peeta was using Katniss too...until half way through the first book.....I think for this movie you really need the book to see behind some of the emotional or motivation stuff.....

    @Rummanah- Oh Im still Team Peeta....but at the end when she was staring at Gale.....ohhhh that just got me...:)

  11. Juju at Tales of Whimsy.comMarch 27, 2012 at 5:12 PM

    SO with you.

    I even liked the gold eye liner.
    (I kinda want to try some)

    I haven't read book three so I don't know who she chooses but I feel for her. She really does have a hard choice ahead of her.

    Gale was awesome.
    I love how gorgeous and perfect and stoic he is.

    But I also love my Peeta.
    I wish they had developed him a bit more.
    Gale translated well on film but Peeta didn't.
    *fingers crossed* for the second film.

    I like your view on how somethings aren't explained. Positive. I dig that. Like saying, "Hey if you want more. Read it."

    As for young kid reading it, YES! There was an 7- 8 year old beside me. I couldn't believe it.

  12. @Juju- Ohhhh I still love Peeta- your right he didnt translate to screen as well as Gale did, I think the chemistry was off a bit for Katniss and Peeta...ARGH...I wish more time would have been spent in the cave...that was a huge part of the book, an extra 5 minutes of screen time with them bonding would have great....and I miss the fact that they didnt have the ending that the book had...:(


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