Thursday, March 8, 2012

Chatting with Authors Featuring A&E Kirk and Swag Giveaway

Today on Chatting with Authors Im so excited to welcome Alyssa and Eileen Kirk authors of Demons at Deadnight to the blog! The gals stopped by for a fun chat and decided to include a few prizes!!!

Hi guys! Welcome to the blog. So how does it feel having your first book, Demons at Deadnight, published and hitting the hands of readers? 

A&E: Exciting and scary! You put your heart and soul into the story and are dying to get it to readers’ hands, but then it goes out there (Exciting) and you have no idea how people are going to react (Scary). We’ve been thrilled with the responses! Especially the Hex Boy love. 

Tina: Oh yes the Hexy Smexy boys are all the rage...they are a fantastic edition to book boyfriends in YA Lit...and on that note-

What inspired you to create The Hex Boys Demons at Deadnight? 

Alyssa: I thought it’d be cool if demons invaded and an incredibly gorgeous demon hunter moved in next door and was madly in love with me. My daydream went crazy from there. My new neighbor would need a team to help him out. I was 16 or 17 and at the time having issues with some cliché mean girls at school, so my neighbor’s team would have to be all guys. And wouldn't it be hilarious if one of them was so smart you couldn't understand what he was saying while another guy was shy and another…It all kind of snowballed from there. So I guess you could say extreme boredom and some loneliness inspired the exciting Hex Boys.

Tina: You had mean girls bothering you at school? Alyssa I can go set things straight right now if you need me too......grrrr, I cant stand mean girls, that's why we book bloggers need to stick together. And we would have been friends had I gone to your school......and of course I would have had to of been born about 5, 6 um...never mind.....

How was working together as a mother/daughter team? Any ups and downs? 

Eileen: Working with Alyssa on this shared passion is a dream come true. She makes me laugh and so does her writing. She also brings out my creativity. We love these characters and I think having both our input gives them much more depth than they would have if it was just one of us writing them. Downs? Only that sometimes it takes over our entire life, and we have to remember to step back and join the “real world.” 

Alyssa: It’s way more fun being part of a team. I get to come home and find whole new scenes waiting for me. It’s awesome! The only conflict we have is that I’m more big picture and she’s more detail oriented. It’s not a bad thing, I’m usually “It’s good. Who cares that I had Tristan talk when he’s not even supposed to be in the room? Let’s move on!” Mom catches those things. And on the flip side, when she’s fretting over whether or not that sentence really needs the word “and” we've still got 200 pages to write, I can push her to move on. It’s a harmonious balance. 

A lot of people around the blogosphere know you-Alyssa- from Teens Read and Write a popular blog you run with your brothers. Has your perception of blogging changed, stayed the same, better like aged cheese? 

Alyssa: I still love blogging and the awesome community of amazing bloggers! It does get harder to manage my time which is something all bloggers can relate to. I cherish the ton of friends we’ve made over the years, and I’ve learned what a huge influence book bloggers have. I don’t think that’s something most authors and publishers appreciate. Also, being a blogger helped my writing—knowing what clichés to avoid, etc— and, while it may sound silly, it helped me figure out what to pick as swag—not another bookmark, please! We tried to pick swag that was unique and useful. 

Tina: Yeah the swag really rocked, when I got my box I about did a back flip.....and my five year old didn't even let me touch Bubbles.......he is now the friend of a happy princess.

It was so refreshing to see family portrayed in YA, did you do this to break away from the standard YA plot, or is family that important to you? 

A&E: It wasn't a conscious choice to “be different,” it’s simply that we have a terrific family life and in our head, Aurora did too. Most YA gets rid of the family so the story can happen. But why? We adore how the loving Lahey family improves the story. They have a huge impact on who Aurora is. It’s her love of family that drives all her actions, and as the Hex Boys become part of her world, they become family too. Also, the Lahey’s are a blast to write. Aurora’s crazy aunt arrives in Book 2. Some of the Hex Boys have family drama which we hint at, and readers will find out more about their background in later books. 

So Demons at Deadnight just became a movie....pick your two lead actors Aurora and Ayden and tell us why. 

Eileen: Alyssa actually scoured the Internet for hours one day – looking for inspiration, not just because she was in the mood to drool over hot guys, so I’ll let her take this one. 

Alyssa: Oh I spent days picking out my actors and Aurora and Ayden were the toughest! I finally settled on Shelley Hennig and Dennis Oh. I’ve only seen Hennig on Secret Circle—I watch only when Jake and Gregory aren’t around to make fun of me— but she pulls off tough, stubborn, and smart really well. All she needs is a little snark and with that leggy silhouette and some red hair, she’d be perfect. 

Dennis Oh is OH-MY-FREAKIN’-GOSH gorgeous! I haven’t seen him in anything, but he’s the only guy I’ve come across that looks like the Ayden I have in my head. And then I saw his abs, heard his deep, smooth, silky voice in an interview—I got chills—and knew he was perfect.

Tina: Oh great pick for Aurora....!! Ayden will have to grow on me, I cant seem to picture him yet...

Speaking of movies, you guys are huge movie buffs, what the best ones you've seen this year? 

A&E: Of the most recent ones we loved, War Horse is definitely top of all our lists. Also 50/50 (tear jerker), Chronicle (blew our expectations), The Woman in Black (scared the begebus out of us), Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows (a huge family favorite), Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (surprisingly good). The two we’re most anxious to see are The Hunger Games and The Avengers. We already have our midnight showing tickets! 

Tina: Ohhh, Oh I want to see Chronicle! I just saw This Means War, super funny and The Vow...super sad....and Im looking forward to The Hunger Games and The Lucky One!

Now please, readers are dying to know- Where do the Kirk's dine for a family night out? 

A&E: Coldstone’s Creamery for cake batter milkshakes! Oh, you mean food other than dessert? That would be Benihana’s where our favorite waiter sends shrimp flying through the air and we catch it—most of the time–in our mouths! 

Tina: That is like the coolest thing I have ever heard....why doesn't Michigan have flying shrimp restaurants!!?

Im wondering, whats on the horizon for A&E Kirk? 

A&E: Heading to Coldstone’s because now we have a serious craving. And while we’re on that sugar high, we’ll keep working on book two. Aurora and the Hex Boys get into all sorts of trouble when a new group of demons come to track her down. And the identity of that surprise character at the very end of DEMONS AT DEADNIGHT is revealed! 

Ok girls, it’s time for the most important question you'll be asked on this blog tour...... Which Hex Boy would you date? 

Eileen: Since it’s such a crazy hypothetical, I’ll go wild and play the field. Blake when I needed a high-energy good time. Logan when I was feeling introspective. Jayden when I needed help with homework. Tristan when I wanted looking after. Matthias when I felt the urge to “fix” something. And Ayden when I simply needed a smoking hot hunk to light my fire! 

Alyssa: Ayden, hands down. He’s my dream boy. Logan is too shy, Tristan’s too uptight, Blake is just too much for me, Jayden would make me feel stupid, and Matthias is too complicated. Ayden’s PERFECT.… I feel like Goldilocks. 

A&E: So how about you, Tina… Which Hex Boy would you have dated in high school? And who would you want your daughter to date? 

Tina: Which Hex Boy would have been mine???.....Hmmm I didn't date very much in highschool and the ones I did were probably Ayden's.......(minus the super size muscles...guys did not have those at my school) I wound up marrying a mix between Matthias and's a dream come true that man of mine..... And as for which one could date my daughter.... that's would be Jayden! Why you ask? Because this mom is committed to my girls dating scrawny dorks, yes those boys are nice and safe....and usually wind up rich and can always bulk up later. Now my girls might disagree with me but that's ok cause they have no say at this point....(and Ill just ignore the fact that tattoos and guy-liner on older boys seem to affect the teenager) and Im sure Jayden is super cute.

Jayden: I'm adulated, and impressed by your thoroughly sound logic. But I feel I must warn you that my profession harbors elements of peril, although I'm assiduously capable of protecting her and would endeavor to research and gratify her predilections. Multiple patents have already solidified my fiscal status. In regards to physical attraction, empirical studies prove my features to be considered aesthetically pleasing. My rational nature makes me less in tune with emotions, but I'm aware of this deficiency. Additionally, my innate curiosity and quest for omniscient knowledge provides an open mind which solicits further perception. I'd be honored to have your daughter as a proficient mentor in elevating my cognizance in this arena.

Ayden: What Jayden means to say is...He's flattered. You're smart. He'd keep your daughter safe and treat her right. He's rich and good-looking. And while emotions aren't his strong suit, he's willing to learn. 

Jayden: Why do you act like I'm speaking another language?

Ayden: Because you are.

Tina: Oh guys really made my day! Ayden I might change my mind and steal you for myself!

A&E: Tina, thanks for having us. You’re an exceptional part of the fabulous book blogging community that we adore! 

Tina: Awww- and now Im blushing......Thank you Alyssa and Eileen for being on the blog today chatting with me and writing kick-butt books!!! 

Find out more about A&E Kirk at their website.


Your secret word today is VISION and up for giveaway today, A&E Kirk want to share some promotional swag with their readers so have fun with Aurora's Necklace and Ayden's  Key-chain enter just leave a comment with email link. Contest ends on 3/10/12.


  1. Oh how much I enjoyed this Interview! I just read Demon's at Deadnight and LOVED it - The Hex boys are perfect and everyone has to meet them!

    Oh and I love the Swag I think it's super cute and unique :))

  2. Mmm flying shrimp, cake batter milkshakes, and gorgeous boys. Sounds good to me. (Really that's not all I got out of the interview, but it's good stuff!)
    - Jessica @ Book Sake

  3. Prangon: The Nerd In HeelsMarch 8, 2012 at 7:38 AM

    Great interview ladies :)
    I am really behind on the new movies, I haven't had the chance to see most of the movies you mentioned :( But I am uber excited to see The Hunger Games :D
    I love your picks for Aurora, she is absolutely stunning!

  4. I loved the interview! Great questions and answers. Ayden and Jayden seem amazing. Why I hadn't such as these boys in my high school? Why?
    Thank you for the giveaway!

    artgiote at gmail dot com

  5. Great interview, ladies! It was nice to get bit of insight on how the inspiration came and the writing process. I'm also excited to see The Hunger Games and the Avengers! I have to the other movies you gals mentioned. I'm a bit behind. :)

  6. Juju at Tales of Whimsy.comMarch 8, 2012 at 10:43 AM

    Yay Eileen. I would play the field too! :) *high five*

    Alyssa I'm with Tina. I feel a sudden hankering to fly to Cali and show those mean girls. *hug*

    GREAT interview.

    Tina's right btw. That was the coooolest pack I've ever received. When I finally get to read your awesome book, I'm SO going to mention that with my review.

    (not an entry)

  7. Um. Alyssa? I think based on the interview that's going up tomorrow it's clear that Ayden and I were meant to be. And maybe me and Blake too. Whatever. We'll make it work:) Also, I would like to formally submit my resume here and now for the role of Aurora in future movies. It's possible that I don't have red hair and am perhaps a tad old, but movie magic can fix that right?

    Love this interview, love Alyssa and Eileen, love Tina and of course LOVE the Hex Boys! *waves at them*

  8. BURIED IN BOOKSMarch 8, 2012 at 11:04 AM

    That was a great interview! I love how Eileen and Alyssa get along so well!

    And I love it when the boys show up in an interview. They are so funny!

    Not entering, I've already won something. Just wanted to say I love these interview! Great job!


  9. Thanks for the awesome interview and giveaway! I'm just dying to read this book! :))


  10. Thanks for the fun interview! I can't stop smiling:)

    spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

  11. We have a Japanese restaurant here that throws food at us. It's really a fun place to go eat. And Coldstone's... mmmmm!

  12. Unabridged BookshelfMarch 8, 2012 at 4:13 PM

    Great interview! I hated the Mean Girls in High School! ugg! Thanks for the giveaway!


  13. Great interview. I want to see 50/50. I know I am going to start crying even before the movie starts. Can't wait to read the book. I am going to cross my fingers and toes. Hopefully I win. Thanks for giveaway!
    -Maritza R

    mararob80 at gmail dot com

  14. Missie, The Unread ReaderMarch 8, 2012 at 5:18 PM

    Hehe. Eileen and Alyssa definitely work great as a team. I love how they balance each other out.

    And, I love that the Hex Boys have no qualms about interrupting an interview to put in their own feedback! Thank you Ayden for translating that jiberish that Jayden was saying. I got lost after the "I'm" part.

    I love your cast choices. I think it's time for me to google this Dennis dude.

    P.S. Now I'm craving a cake batter milkshake! Thanks a lot Team K!

  15. I love shrimp but never had flying shrimp. lol Sounds like a fun and adventurous way to eat. I loved the interview. The questions were good and I learned more about the Hex Boys. Thanks for the opportunity to enter giveaway.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  16. Jen (In the Closet With a Bibliophile)March 9, 2012 at 12:56 AM

    Dennis Oh!!! That guy is perfect and highly sexy which works for me. Also, dessert is the route I would go as well. I love that YOU guys chose Coldstone as it's also my fav. The brother-in-law who lives me used to work and Benihana's, he can actually flip shrimp into his chef's hat and onto children's plates. If he didn't annoy me so much, I'd say it was a rather interesting skill. LOL!

    Tina, your husband sounds quite wonderful. I need to find me one of those.LOL! *hugs Chan*

  17. I've never had cake batter milkshakes but it sounds delicious. I can see the pros and cons of the Hex boys and for me it would be hard to choose which one.


  18. I loved this interview! and I wish I had my own Bubbles. :(

    [email protected]

  19. I loved the interview...and milkshakes....
    Too bad, i haven't read the book yet.... its on my TBR now...

    [email protected]

  20. Thanks for the interview and giveaway! I LOVE seeing all this Hex Boy stuff! I'm practically dying to get my hands on this book so I can see all the awesome that everyone else sees!

    andralynn7 AT gmail DOT com

  21. Thanks for the interview! This whole blog tour has made me so informed on this book that I just have to have it!

    Shae @ Understanding Shae's Story

  22. Great interview! Sounds like a good book.


  23. books first loveMarch 10, 2012 at 4:12 AM

    Such a great giveaway, I love the necklace, thanks so much for the chance to win. I can't wait to read the book too. I am so excited about everything :))
    best wishes
    [email protected]

  24. Don't know if it is international but if it isn't.. Just pretend you haven't seen me :)Thanks for the giveaway and interview :)


  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Reviewing ShelfMarch 13, 2012 at 3:51 PM


    [email protected]

  27. Reviewing ShelfMarch 13, 2012 at 3:52 PM


    [email protected]


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