Friday, March 16, 2012

From Blah to Awe by Jenna Lucado Bishop Spotlight and Giveaway

From Blah to Awe 
by Jenna Lucado Bishop
February 7, 2012 by Thomas Nelson
Paperback, 277 Pages
Review Copy

Everyone, especially teenagers, struggles with being bored with God from time to time. Sometimes church services and Bible reading don't seem that exciting, and it's easy to get busy and not make time to pray, but when this happens, we are missing out. Bishop shares her testimony and others' stories to see what a radical, living relationship with God looks like. 

About the Author:

If Jenna Lucado Bishop is sure of anything, she is sure of this, “I have a deep calling on my life to give hope to teenage girls.” What started out as a heart to encourage teen girls has now blossomed into a ministry. 

Daughter of best-selling Christian author Max Lucado, Jenna has realized that she has inherited a passion for writing and speaking just like her dad. She is currently a part of the Revolve Tour, an event for teen girls that includes a line-up of Christian artists like Natalie Grant, as well as speaker and author Chad Eastham and many more. 

Jenna has also narrated part of Thomas Nelson’s Word of Promise: Next Generation. Through all the piling projects, Jenna is driven by the thought of one more girl hearing about the love of Jesus.


Today I have one copy thanks to Thomas Nelson, of Jenna Lucado Bishop's book From Blah to Awe. I would love to pass this on to a teen/tween or mom, grandma, aunt of a teen girl who would like to share it with the special teenager in your life.

This contest is open to 13 and up readers and all you need to do is fill out the form
{PS- if form is not working - please just leave a comment for entry}

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Missie, The Unread ReaderMarch 16, 2012 at 10:28 AM

    I'm not a tween, so don't enter me, but I just wanted to say, I love the title and cover for that book. And it seems like it has a really good message.

    Happy Friday, T! Try to get some workout time in over the weekend. Maybe do a few Jumping JAX!!! LOL

  2. As you know I have three girls, all teenagers and this book would be awesome!!!

  3. Sounds like a perfect one for my daughter, who's 12. I'd love to be entered. (The form's not working.)

    carolsnotebook at yahoo dot com

  4. The book sounds very inspiring. Thanks for the giveaway.

    Rafflecopter isn't working.



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