Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Faith and Fiction Round Table Discusses- Forbidden by Ted Dekker and Tosca Lee

The Faith and Fiction Round Table- hosted by Amy at MyfriendAmy, is a group of bloggers who read books dealing with faith, religion and inspirational aspects. Six books were chosen this year and at the scheduled time we discuss the book and then post our thoughts on personal blogs. This years fifth book and discussion was:

Forbidden by Ted Dekker and Tosca Lee
September 13, 2011 by Center Street


A terrible truth has been revealed to one man: the entire human race has been drained of every emotion, except one— fear. To bring life back to the world, Rom must embark on a journey that will end either in his own demise or a reawakening of humanity. But to bring love and passion back into existence will also threaten the powers of the world with the revolution and anarchy that had nearly destroyed them previously.

After happening upon a journal through strange circumstance, Rom's world is shattered. He learns that humanity long ago ceased to "live," that it exists today in a living death of emotions. In a terrible risk, Rom exposes himself to the vial of blood folded into the old leather of the journal. His change is fearful and fraught with mind-bending emotion. A once-pious observer of the Order's passionless statues, he is filled with uncontrollable impulses. He is filled with love. He is undone, terrified, and alone in the desolate world.


For the first time many of us on The Round Table just didn't know what to think of Forbidden, while some us liked it and came to appreciate it, many were turned off by the violence and some of us thought the storyline was to reminiscent of Dekker's Circle Series. I place myself in the lot of appreciating this story later, near the third part- when things kind of veer off into the more meaty parts of the story. Admittedly it took a long time to get into the feel of the novel and I wasn't able to connect to any of the characters until the very end...which happened to be one outside of the MC circle.

Im pleasantly used to Dekker's descriptive style, push to the limits Inspy fiction and violent gore. Forbidden is no different, plenty of blood, guts and foul things happen to the characters in this world and while I loved Tosca Lee's sensuous voice that mixed throughout the storyline, I actually found some of the violence a bit overboard- the murders and a particular "heart scene" felt forced and dare I say it- a bit contrived. And that's hard for me to say as I'm an extreme Dekker fan, theres not much he can write that I wouldn't like, however I couldn't help thinking many of the scenes (even the sexy scenes) were for shock value and not for the flow of the story........I was half surprised seeing how the book deals with dead-like people that at some point zombies didn't start popping out behind trees to start eating peoples brains........

.....alright though, this is suppose to be a discussion post, not a review, so friends what did Forbidden show me as a reader? What faith aspects could I draw parallel to?

Probably the most profound aspect I could take away was the blood issue. The characters in this dystopian set society all suffered the after effects of a government controlled disease that over time raped citizens of their human emotions, leaving them with only the sense of fear. In order for any of those senses to return, a person (or in this case the main MC's) had to drink a special vial of blood to restore those feelings. But even after the healing takes place, the disease slowly would begin to seep back in- dulling their emotions once again to robotic like beings. Just touching on this concept alone- what I read between the pages drawing this to Christianity, was the idea that only with the acceptance of Christs sacrifice and his blood rebirths a person from a dead state of sin.

And according to the law almost all things are purified with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no remission. Hebrews 9:22

The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God. In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires. Romans 6:10-12

With the latter part of the issue I could see the parallel between the characters who would eventually revert back to that emotionless state with the issues that Christians face everyday living in the world. Walking with Christ is a daily commitment and many things in our walk can easily distract us, be it busyness, idleness, ministry, hobbies or sin. Even with the healing and the acceptance of Christ, daily thorns and obstacles can numb and deaden which was once an alive feeling. I guess that's why its so important to keep moving forward and staying in the Word, so we do not lose that connection. While I firmly believe we cannot lose our salvation after a true conversion, I do think we can become dead in Spirit if we do not keep vigilant and look to the end of the race God has set before us.

Now he who received seed among the thorns is he who hears the word, and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and he becomes unfruitful. Matthew 13.22

Forbidden even with its passionate crossroads to Christianity, from the blood aspect to the similar death decrees Christ encountered as an infant isn't an overtly Christian book, I think anyone could pick this up and enjoy the eerie doomed scenarios and gruesome violence that surrounds it. I know I will be carrying on with the series and with each authors bold takes on creation, sin, sex and violence, Im eager to see where the Dekker/Lee team takes us.

Check out the rest of the groups thoughts today:

Book Addiction, Book Hooked Blog, Books and Movies, Crazy for Books, Ignorant Historian, Linus's Blanket, My Random Thoughts, One Person's Journey Through a World of Books, Roving Reads, Semicolon, The 3R's Blog, Victorious Cafe, Word Lily, MyfriendAmy

Thanks to Sarah Reck and Center Street for Review Copy
Photo Credit: Brad Pitt- The Legends of the Fall (cc)


  1. I have been wanting to read this one and Dekker last one Immanuel's Veins for a while but just haven't gotten around to it. The creep out factor is what is holding me off I think.

  2. My daughter has read most of Dekker's books. I saw this one and wanted to get it, but am not willing to pay the hardback price for it! I'll wait until paperback comes out. I was wondering how the duo of Dekker and Lee would work out. I have enjoyed Tosca Lee's books.

    I loved when you said, "While I firmly believe we cannot lose our salvation after a true conversion, I do think we can become dead in Spirit if we do not keep vigilant and look to the end of the race God has set before us." EXCELLENT observation!

  3. Juju at Tales of Whimsy.comSeptember 24, 2011 at 9:46 PM

    Sounds stunning and profound. Awesome review.

  4. Hi, Tina. *waves*
    Sorry I haven't been by in awhile.
    I was curious what you thought about this book. Considering the fact that I write crossover fiction, one would think that I had read Dekker, but I'm afraid that I have yet to do so. One of these days I will rectify this. Any recommendations for a good starting place?
    Thanks for sharing.


  5. Kate {The Parchment Girl}September 26, 2011 at 5:02 PM

    I've only read one book that was coauthored by Dekker and Frank Peretti and I wasn't crazy about it. I'm not big on books that are really dark and deal with supernatural/paranormal themes at the same time. I do want to read Immanuel's Veins at some point, but I think I'll skip this one. I also hate it when Christian authors throw in a lot of edgy content just for shock value. If it's realistic and describing it in more detail enhances the storyline or evokes more emotion in the reader, fine, but I don't believe in pushing the envelope purely for the sake of pushing the envelope.


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