Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Faves of Twentyeleven- The Characters

Today is day two of InkCrush's faves of twentyeleven. Today is all about the characters! If you would like to join in head over to Nomes and sign up with the linky!

The Characters or an Ode to the River of Time Series.....

Favorite female main character

My Favorite gal this year was Gabriela Betarrini from the River of Time Series.....(you can see my character assessment and a pic of who I think could play Gabi here...)

Favorite male main character
Marcello Forelli from The River of Time Series 

Best couple 
Gabi and Marcello from The River of Time Series (Waterfall, Cascade and Torrent)

Who i so want to be best friends with
Merit from the Chicagoland Vampire Series

Who I fell completely in love with (new literary crush)
Smoke from Aftertime...

Worst (best & baddest) villain
Best-The Evil Father from The Poison Dairies

Best character twist (who you loved then hated or vice versa)
Hated then Loved- Lord Greco from The River of Time Series...he was such a butt in Cascade....however in Torrent I wanted to kidnap him and bring him home with me!!! 

Best kick-arse female
Deuce from Enclave

Best kick-arse male
Four from Divergent

Broke your heart the most 
Adam from Where She Went

Favorite pet/animal character award
Besides that cat in The Iron Queen..I have no clue......

Best YA parents award
The Betarrini's ( Gabi and Lia's parents) from The River of Time Series

Favorite sibling relationship
Kate and Georgia -sisters from Die for Me by Amy Plum

Favorite best friends/friendship award
Anne Boyeln and Meg from To Die For

Best/worst character names

Best-Finley Sinclair from There You'll Find Me

Worst- Tris from Divergent- and only because I kept rhyming it with piss.

Bonus: best love triangle

So many of them...however my favorite tangle me up in a big messy ball was Gabi-Marcello and Lord Greco from Torrent!


  1. oh what a great list

  2. oh ~ go Finley <3

    i loved the river of time series too (and who is that guy (!) my gosh, pretty much my PERFECT taste ;))

    love your picks

    x Nomes

  3. I loved Waterfall, but have yet to read the other two books. After reading your post it makes me want to go out and buy them right now.

  4. Oh my goodness Lisa- you must run to store and buy them today!!! Lord Greco will change your life...ok so maybe not that drastic, but he is pretty awesome..;D

    @Nomes- LOL- that guy is actor Colin Egglesfield he played in Something Borrowed...

  5. Tina!!! You are my Twinny! We had so many of the same answers! hehehe

    I know you want to be BFF with Merit, but I want to be BFF with you! :)

  6. LOL---I really need to read the other two books!

    You guys are killing me with these lists---they are awesome ;)

  7. GRECO!!!! Sorry, whenever I see his name I bust out the all caps and exclamation points:) It was so much fun to hate him initially and then fall completely and utterly in love with him to the point that I temporarily forgot about Marcello. *gasp* And Four? LOVE HIM! Can't wait for Insurgent:)

  8. I really really really need to pick up Torrent!! Great picks!!

    My Fav Characters of 2011!

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf


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