Thursday, December 15, 2011

My Year Long Affair with NetFlix

So I have had Netflix forever....but never really taken advantage of its online streaming. This year I decided I would catch up on TV shows that I've never watched but have heard tons of people gasping and fawning over. Ill tell you this year I have had moments of wanting to kick myself for not watching these shows when they aired, to moments of wanting to scratch my eyes out due to the awfulness I was exposed to, so here's the good, the bad and the ugly.

The Good~


Watched Jan 11'- July 11'

Out of all the shows this one took me the longest to get through and was by far the best show I've seen ever! When Lost ended I cried....CRIED. Even though Kate was a butt, I was sad it was over. Lost had one of the best emotional endings for TV I've seen. I was a tear-soaked wreck!! JACK I love you.

Sons of Anarchy

Talk about a surprise. I didn't think I would like a show about a motorcycle gang and despite Jax knock me down good looks this show has a kick-butt story-line. As of now Im only on season 3 but I've enjoyed every episode. 

Friday Night Lights

I never gave this a chance when it was on TV, only because I hate football movies. But I loved this show like it was warm cupcakes. I think I cared so much about the characters that everything made me cry....even the first episode with Jason Street got me all emotional. I want the Taylor's to live next door to me and  I want Tim Riggins over for dinner.

Army Wives

So this almost made it into the bad pile because Army life is not like what is portrayed in this show and Joan irritates the crap outta me. 

However I couldn't help but be addicted to all the dramatic and cheesy story-lines going on. Claudia Joy and Pam's drama make the show worth watching and Stefan the Vampire shows up for about 5 episodes as a boyfriend to one of the characters. Im not sure if this show is over or not, Im ok with the way it ended and cant really see how they can drag it out anymore.

The Bad


I know, I know I hear you all gasping!! But hear me out.....

I really liked season one, thought it was great and LOVED the season finale. Season two was ok, despite Felicity's terrible haircut, I understood the dynamics of her character and for the most part liked it. Then comes season three and by this time I want to punch Julie in the head so she will just leave the SHOW already and Felicity becomes a feminist and everything turns into crap and then that crap turns into season four and everything just went somewhere into outer space. All that nonsense her and Ben went through so he could follow her in the end just to cheat on her??? That was dumb and had no point. 

I really like JJ Abrams (Alias, Lost-favs of all time) shows but that whole end with Ben, the abruptness of Noah and Elena and the time travel malarkey- Not GOOD.

The Ugly

Brothers and Sisters

This show was puke terrible. Bad acting, bad plot and when you break it down to its pure essentials its just a show that gives Sally Field as many dramatic breakdowns as possible in a one hour episode, oh and whats her name, Ally McBeal- she also gets a chance (every episode) to realize that her political views are stupid, matter of a fact all the republicans featured in the show are complete dumb asses who either lie, cheat or steal, while all the democrats are level headed, honest (HA!) for the people type of people, whatever!!! I stopped watching this turd after season 2.

Shows I Tried and gave up on in about five minutes

One Tree Hill- Oh this was so bad!! Take a bunch of 30 year old actors and make them pretend their in high-school. Oh wait its already been done before it was 90210 without basketball.

Wildfire- more like wild turds, awful acting, bad plotline, the only thing good about this show was the horse.

And there you have it my year long Netflix fun.

What have your favorites been?


  1. I've had Netflix forever, but like you never really watched the online streaming. Since they rose their prices I decided to just do the online streaming and I love it. I never have time to sit down and watch a show when it airs so I love being able to watch them now during my own time.

  2. I watched every single episode of Law and Order SVU on Netflix (all 11 seasons are on there except for the current 12th). That's pretty much it for me for the instant stream.

  3. I can't tell you how disappointed I was with the way Felicity ended. I stuck through it, even though they threw some pretty big crap at us, and all just to have Ben cheat then say, well, so what, you have to forgive me because we are meant to be.


    Still, something about that douchebag just gets me. I love him. LOL

    Don't hate me, but I tried Friday Night Lights and gave up on it. It just bored me to no end.

    I still plan to try Sons of Anarchy. Oh, and you have to try How I Met Your Mother! Best. Show. Ever!

  4. P.S. My mom is a huge fan of Brothers and Sisters, but I could never get into it. For her, I think it was a Rob Lowe thing. LOL

  5. We just started using the Netflix streaming thing too. Such fun! I still have to check out Sons of Anarchy. I keep hearing such good things but haven't seen it. And Brothers and Sisters never had any appeal for me.

  6. I watched felicity but stopped after season 2 i think. I didn't care who she ended up with.

    Loved Sons, Lost. I also need to see Friday Nights too. I did watch brothers and sisters and bored too.

  7. Jessica(BookLover)December 15, 2011 at 2:25 PM

    That reminds me, I still need to finish watching the last season of Lost. :)

    I've been wanting to try SoA but wasn't sure before now; I think I will.

    Some of the shows I've seen lately on Netflix that I thought were pretty good include Prison Break, The Good Guys, and The Nine Lives of Chloe King - I couldn't get into the book, but I didn't mind season 1.

  8. Lost was definitely one of my Fav series ever! But all time favorite? That award still rests with The West Wing!

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf

  9. @Missie- for shame!! Friday Night Lights was so good...:D Its a slow building show though so not a whole lot of crazy crap happens until the end of season one...;)

    Right now SOA and The Walking Dead are my favorite shows. Im liking The Once Upon a Time too.

    @Melissa- Ive never watched The West Wing....maybe some day if they add it to streaming Ill watch it..:D

    @Jessica- I couldnt do Chloe King...I thought the pilot was awful so it got the boot. I am going to check out Burn Notice and The Good Guys...:)

    @Alyssa and Julie- Sons of A is my second fav ever. I just love the storyline. Its pretty graphic in language and violence but if that doesn't bother you go for it...:D

  10. Asheley (@BookwormAsheley)December 15, 2011 at 5:44 PM

    girl! i love my online streaming!

    you've never seen The Tudors? or did you watch it when it was on TV? i watched/am watching it on streaming and wowsers!!

    i think i watched my first online streaming show the first day it started and have been full-force since then, plus the discs in the mail...but we're a big family. we budgeted to cut some other things to have a bigger netflix bill. :)

  11. @Jenny- WOW- thats crazy! I couldnt even think of starting from the begeinning of that series, it would take me forever!! Have you tried Cold Case? I loved that show.

    @Lisa- Im totally hooked!! I think I could even cancel my cable in favor of Netflix...:D

  12. @Asheley- I watched The Tudors when it was on TV~ I think I stopped watching it after season 3...all the butts in it got really old....LOL...Ill try to finish it up someday.

  13. Holy Crow, T! I started Sons of Anarchy last night and I because a quick addict!

    Jax Jax Jax!!!!

    Why the heck did I wait so long?

  14. Oh Tina, you hated Felicity!? I remember loving that show.

    Have you ever seen Alias? That was another fav of mine in those days. I'm not sure if it's on Netflix or not.

    I'm convinced there has never been a show on tv as good as LOST. Didn't you just love it. I didn't care for the ending as much, but overall I was satisfied.

    I discovered Dexter on Netflix. Then had to run out and order Showtime so I could continue watching it. Highly addicting.

  15. Juju at Tales of Whimsy.comDecember 24, 2011 at 10:57 PM

    I loved Lost but that ending killed me.

    I've been meaning to rewatch Felicity.


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