Thursday, December 22, 2011

Faves of Twentyeleven- The Random

Hey is day three of Inkcrush's faves of twentyeleven. Its all about random today!
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The Random

Fave first sentence

No Favorite sentence but I did love the opening quote in Ashes-

"I tell you the past is a bucket of ashes" - Carl Sandburg

Fave book title 

Wither  - The title was brilliant, considering the disease that plagued the women withered them away by age 20....not only that but a gals life really wasn't her own once dragged into polygamy or prostitution, most of them mind body and soul- withered until death.....

Fave reading experience (ie: created a great reading memory)

The River of Time Series- (Waterfall, Cascade and Torrent)

Book with the best food in it (made you so crazy-envious-hungry)

Hmmm- No food books that I can think of....

Book with the most sensual weather (made you shiver/sweat)

Die for Me by Amy Plum- everything was sensuous- the rain, the atmosphere, the night, the daytime in Paris.....I loved it

Most embarrassing book cover (feeling sheepish in public or just plain ugly) 

Covers in general this year were really great and I don't read the really bad smutty covers so my pickings are slim....however Torrent by Lisa B- gets an honorable mention due to the whole Kmart wig issue on Marcello....(and yes poor Lisa already heard me complain about that wig) good night it looks like a wild animal on his head..(lol) when you do finally meet Marcy.....think about this pic instead...;)

Can’t believe you waited this long to read the book (!)

Enclave by Ann Aguirre (Seriously this sat on my shelf for months...Im CRAZY)

Book you'd give your mum/sister to read

The Violets of March- by Sarah Jio

Book you'd give your dad/brother to read

The Priests Graveyard by Ted Dekker

Book you'd like to give your past-self to read 

Saving June by Hannah Harrington (so I could gain some sense on my music choices!!)

Book that lived up to (or superseded the hype)

Divergent by Veronica Roth

Book you stayed the latest to finish (confess!!!)

When She Woke- stayed up until 3:30am 

Book you were *dying* to get your hands on the most 

The Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

Fattest brick of a book you read (by page count)

The Dovekeepers by Alice Hoffman

Killer cliffhanger award

Cascade by Lisa T. Bergren


  1. Great list and loved smoke and Bone and thats true that Divergent lived up to hype .

  2. Making mental notes to add to my TBR:

    1. The Dovekeepers by Alice Hoffman
    2. The Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
    3. Die for Me by Amy Plum

    Divergent, Enclave & Torrent are already on it!

    PS Thanks a lot!! LOLOL

    Here's mine: Faves of TwentyEleven: The Random!

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf

  3. Lah @ Lazy Girl ReadsDecember 22, 2011 at 1:05 PM

    I think the title for Wither is brilliant as well. And if I had to think of a book that had great food in it I'd say it would be any of the early Harry Potter books...but i didn't read those this year!!

    Lah @ LazyGirl Reads

  4. I never thought about Wither that way, but now that you brought it to my attention the name is really descriptive and pretty awesome. Thanks for sharing the wisdom of your ways!

  5. Asheley (@BookwormAsheley)December 22, 2011 at 4:59 PM

    I can't believe I haven't read Enclave yet! Get to it, Asheley!


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