Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Saturday Spotlight with Nadine Rose Larter & Giveaway

Welcome to The Saturday Spotlight, a weekly feature showcasing debut, Indie, self-published and authors who specialize in Ebook publishing. This week I have the pleasure introducing readers to:


Author of Coffee at Little Angels~ Find Nadine at: Goodreads~Website~Twitter

Author Q&A

Please tell us a little bit about yourself

There’s not much to tell really. I’m from a town in South Africa called Port Elizabeth. I live with my fiancĂ© and three kids (two step kids and my son). I spend far too much time on social networks. I have an almost OCD compulsion when it comes to answering tweets and other messages which often makes getting off of my computer a little hard (hehe!) I drink far too much coffee and often wonder what a therapist would make of the things I dream at night.

What inspired you to write Coffee at Little Angels?

The death of a friend inspired me to write this book. The book isn’t about him at all but the questions I started asking myself after he died did lead to me writing it.

Did you have to do any research or traveling in order to write your book?

Not at all. Coffee at Little Angels was an absolute labour of self indulgence. There was a lot of thinking, a lot of what were you thinking, a lot of nobody thinks like that you daft cow and a few tears of frustration, but there was no travelling or research involved. It wasn’t necessary.

What authors or books have influenced your work?

That’s very hard to say. I read a lot of contemporary literature which is the genre I will probably continue to work in for the rest of my writing career. I love authors like Nick Hornby, Tony Parsons, Anny Tyler and William Kowalski. For a little added quirk and humour I also love Sue Townsend and Helen Fielding. I imagine I would love to write like any one of those authors but I imagine for now I might have managed a watered-down version of a combination of them.

If you could choose a song that fit the mood of your book what would it be?

Don’t Forget Me – Way Out West

**this is the best You-tube Video I could find of the song....

What are reading now?

The Reptile Room – Lemony Snicket
The Blind Assassin – Margaret Atwood

Any future plans you can share with us?

As soon as I have recovered from the dramatic world that is the publishing industry I hope to take a holiday to a small island where no one exists but me and a funny little man who feeds me fruit. Sadly this is not likely going to be an option (unless the funny little man can be my three year old son, and he doesn’t really like fruit so I highly doubt he will be bringing me any) so instead I will most likely become a permanent resident in the mental hospital just down the road from my house (which actually sounds lovely!) or I will simply start editing my second book, The Tequila Thursday Writer’s Club. I can’t afford the first or second options so it will have to be the third...

Thanks so much Nadine for stopping by and chatting with me today, here's wishing you the best of success on your novel and future writing endeavors. 


Today Nadine is giving away an ebook copy of her novel Coffee at Little Angels. This is open to everyone and only requires a comment. Winner  will be drawn on Oct 29, 2011.

Thanks and Goodluck!


Coffee at Little Angels by Nadine Rose Larter

Philip, Sarah, Kaitlyn, Caleb, Maxine, Grant, Melanie and Josh grew up in a small town where they spent their high school years together as an inseparable clique. But high school has ended, and they are all living their own “grown up” lives, each under the impression that their group has basically come to an end. 

When Phillip dies in a hit and run accident, Kaitlyn summons the others to all come back home, forcing a reunion that no one is particularly interested in partaking in.Coffee at Little Angels follows how each character deals with the death of a childhood friend while at the same time dealing with their own ignored demons after years of separation. Events unfold as the group tries to rekindle the friendship they once shared to honor the memory of a friend they will never see again.

The Saturday Spotlight is currently booking for Summer of 2012- to book a spot find out everything HERE.


  1. Hi, Tina. It's been too long. I hope you are well. Very cute interview.
    Hi, Nadine. It drove me crazy for a few moments until I realized that it was the Novel Publicity chain that I knew you from. Much success with the novel. It sounds very interesting.


  2. Juju at Tales of Whimsy.comOctober 23, 2011 at 7:28 AM

    Interesting premise. I love when people turn tragedy into inspiration.
    (not an entry)

  3. This sounds like a really good book. I'm normally more of a plot-driven reader, but this sounds like one of those rare character-driven ones where the pain of the characters keeps you glued to the page.

    Thanks for the giveaway op!


  4. Nadine Rose LarterOctober 24, 2011 at 3:38 AM

    I have to wonder what I was smoking when I filled this interview in for you! Haha!!! Thanks for having me Tina :)

  5. I loved this book, and Nadine is such a nice person. (not a giveaway entry, just to say hi to both of you :)


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