Thursday, December 16, 2010

Calling All Authors!!

Calling Authors
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This year I have had to turn down alot of review requests. While I love getting requests and I except many of them, I have one brain and only two eyes so this limits me to the amount of time I can spend reading. I wish I could read all your books but I cant.....So instead of turning authors away, Im offering those that I cant read a chance to spotlight your book on my new feature: Saturday Spotlight.

Saturday Spotlight will feature an author, promote an authors book, offer a guest post and an optional giveaway. Posting on the feature especially if your offering a giveaway, is almost guaranteed to provide an author with a reviewer. This is another way to introduce yourself to bloggers, reviewers and a bit of free publicity. Every Saturday will be devoted to one author, my slots are already filling up but I would love for this to be full for the entire year of 2011. This is open to all authors and publishers.

Contact me at for more info!!


  1. Juju at Tales of Whimsy.comDecember 16, 2010 at 7:20 PM

    I love this idea. Can I refer folks to you?

  2. Juju- Yesss...please do, Im full for January but want to fill the whole year up!!

  3. Alyssa@Teens Read and WriteDecember 17, 2010 at 2:14 PM

    We have the same problem so this is great idea - you're brilliant!


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