Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday 12/1

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking the Spine and features upcoming book releases, this week Im excited for......
The Red Garden by Alice Hoffman
Hardcover, 256 pages
January 25th 2011 by Shaye Areheart Books

Book Synopsis

Hoffman brings us 200 years in the history of Blackwell, a small town in rural Massachusetts, in her insightful latest. The story opens with the arrival of the first settlers, among them a pragmatic English woman, Hallie, and her profligate, braggart husband, William. Hallie makes an immediate and intense connection to the wilderness, and the tragic severing of that connection results in the creation of the red garden, a small, sorrowful plot of land that takes on an air of the sacred. The novel moves forward in linked stories, each building on (but not following from) the previous and focusing on a wide range of characters, including placid bears, a band of nomadic horse traders, a woman who finds a new beginning in Blackwell, and the ghost of a young girl drowned in the river who stays in the town's consciousness long after her name has been forgotten. The result is a certain ethereal detachment as Hoffman's deft magical realism ties one woman's story to the next even when they themselves are not aware of the connection. The prose is beautiful, the characters drawn sparsely but with great compassion. ...(Goodreads)

OH-MY-GOODNESS!! Its Alice Hoffman, need I say more.........


  1. Jessica (BookLover)December 1, 2010 at 9:14 PM

    This book sounds goooood! And I like the cover. :)

  2. Juju at Tales of Whimsy.comDecember 1, 2010 at 9:17 PM

    A new Alice Hoffman! *gasp* Shut the door! I LOVE her! FAB news and find :)

  3. Lover of RomanceDecember 2, 2010 at 2:23 AM

    I love the blurb!! Sounds like a good one!!! I will have to check this author out! Thanks for posting!


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