Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My Secret Santa Rocks and Challenges for 2011

Someone Came To Visit TinasbookReviews!!!
 Do you see all those goodies!!! Thank you so much to my Secret Santa Anita. I got window fun, post-its, socks, a Joy ornament, two books- (one of them Something Borrowed...woot woot) and a yummy CANDY. Anita you Rock!!
 I found some great challenges for 2011 and Im excited to get started on them. So here's all the fun ones I signed up for...(so far...)....

Number one is the 2011 Christian Fiction Reading Challenge hosted by Jamie at TheBookJunkiesbookshelf The goal is 12 Christian Novels within the year. Piece a cake....this will be a fun one and will fit in with my reading groups and tours planned for 2011.

Secondly I joined the Book heart Soulmates( two of the prettiest gals that blog Vanessa and Isalys) Steampunk Challenge. Im looking forward to this one and plan on reading the 10 books required. Head over to Soulmates to sign up!!

And last but probably not least I signed up for The Book Vixen's Nicholas Sparks Reading Challenge.Oh how I love me some sappy Sparks!!! I'm going for the Going Steady level. You can sign up at The Book Vixens!! 


  1. My 5 Monkeys(Julie)December 15, 2010 at 7:29 PM

    oh all reading challenges look fun and love getting fun stuff in the mail.

    Its nice to be back :)

  2. Juju at Tales of Whimsy.comDecember 16, 2010 at 8:22 AM

    What a nice pack :)

  3. Such an awesome secret santa you had! Those are great challenges, too...enjoy :D


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