Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tinas Favorite Things in 2010- TV Love

I'm not a big TV girl, I mostly read at nighttime after the house is quiet. I only religiously watch House because its the only show me and my hubby Matt both like. Recently though we both really like The Walking Dead. Otherwise he hates vampires and chick drama- so I DVR most of the series and catch up when I can.

1. House- The show is great....but the real reason I watch it is to hear all of House's great snarky remarks.

2. I Survived- This show is one of those docu-dramas on the Biography Channel. It amazes me what people can endure and what they can go through in order to live or protect themselves. Most of the story's are people being attacked by other people, but some are animal attacks, natural disasters and so on. I think the scariest one I saw this year was about a woman who was attacked by a man dressed as a Ninja (in her house) only to find out he had been living in her attic. The way she told the story was so frightening it gave me goosebumps. I think I slept with the lights on that night and was listening to all the creaks in my house...my poor husband- I bugged him all night with....."what was that, did you hear that, go check in the attic"...........I think at one point he threw a pillow at me and yelled Stop Watching that stupid show!!!!

3. The Vampire Dairies- CWs fun vampire drama. I'm still torn on teams. I was all for Damon, until he went all crazy and tried to kill Elena's brother....So far though I love the way the season is going.

4. The Walking Dead- I love Zombie dystopian, end of the world, everyone is fighting for their life kind of story. I was really surprised at how good the plotline and acting is.

5. The Biggest Loser- Nothing makes me want to shed pesky pounds more after watching people get their butts kicked by Jillian. Personally Id rather have Bob come train me into shape....Jillian scares me.....she would make a awesome killer zombie on The Walking Dead...... 

6. Big Love- I got caught up in this show last year and had to Netflix all the previous seasons. This is a very naughty show...but I was fascinated looking into the world of Polygamy and that's why I got excited watching number 7.

7. Chuck- Hilarious!! Morgan and Awesome make this show for me, I love Chuck but come on can we have more Morgan semantics please!!!

I also watch American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance with the kids. They seem to be the only family shows we can all watch together. I'm actually excited to see what Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler will bring to the show in 2011.

Photo Credits- House- Fox TV Network
The Walking Dead- AMC


  1. My 5 Monkeys(Julie)December 21, 2010 at 11:44 AM

    We like the same shows..House/Chuck. I admit I watch sister wives too , but totally agree about the no sharing. Loved the walking dead too. I knew that I liked you alot :)

  2. TVD! I am SO Team Damon :D

    This is a brilliant list, Tina. I gave up on House for a season or two, but I'm pondering starting up again :)

  3. I love most of those shows. Chuck and Vampire Diaries have to be my favorites though. Great post!

  4. I've had so many recommendations, I think I'll have to start The Walking Dead soon. :-)

  5. Juju at Tales of Whimsy.comDecember 21, 2010 at 4:15 PM

    My favorite love would have to be Castle :) Great list.

  6. I just started watching Vampire Diaries and I'm loving it. I can't believe I never watched last year. But I bought season one on DVD so I'm gonna catch up over Christmas vacation. I have seen all of season 2, and I'm still Team Damon even with the killing attempt. I love a bad boy. He kinda reminds me of Sawyer from Lost.

  7. They stopped airing the vampire diaries, it got really low ratings. I think that a lot of dutch teens and adults didn't like it. I didn't like it either.
    House is fun, his comments are always so hilarious. He's good. I don't know about the other shows. I never heard of them. Except Chuck, they just starting to air it. I haven't watched it yet. :)

  8. chuck, vampire diaries and walking dead are on my fave list too!

  9. I love most of them will be displayed. Chuck and The Vampire Diaries is my favourite, though. Great post.


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