Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tinas Favorite Things 2010- Book Love

Its time for more of Tina's Favorite Things...I know your week has now been completed!! In this weeks edition I will be sharing my Favorite grown-up books of 2010.

1. Backseat Saints by Joshilyn Jackson - My favorite read this year was a story about a young naive woman who go's from a childhood abusive relationship to a marriage filled with abuse, control and domination and also had me on an emotional journey throughout the entire story. When Rose finally decides to leave her husband Thom, the story became the will to survive and sheer determination. Rose was the quiet hero who slowly but overwhelmingly realizes her worth as a woman and overall her value as a human being who doesn't deserved to be hit....by ANYONE. I loved this for its southern flair and likable main character. Although the sex scenes were pretty hot and some a bit disturbing, everything in this novel created a fusion of great storytelling.

2. Winter Garden by Kristin Hannah- This story broke my heart a hundred times and it has one of the most touching, tear sobbing endings Ive read. Winter Garden was defiantly not a feel good book, it rips you apart with emotion and for me reading about Anya's life in Russia during the time of Stalin was terrifying. The book made me think about my life and how convenient things are for me, what I take for granted everyday...things like food, water and heat. Its one of those stop you in your tracks thoughts- what would happen if the bare necessity's of living got stripped away...what would you do if your child sat starving to death? I thought about this book for weeks after I read it......... and you know those are always the good ones....the ones that stay with you.

3. Still Missing by Chevy Stevens- You want to talk about messed up...Well crack open this book and meet "The Freak". This book was crazy good- and by crazy I mean just that. Annie tells her story in a therapy season and while disturbing its a complete suck you in and not let go till the end type of book. The ending btw is a complete shock and Annie the cynical gal turned victim was a complete surprise in her turn out.

4. Crossing Oceans by Gina Holmes - Hello bawl city!!! Although one of saddest books I read this year, it also was one of the most touching. Ms. Gina presents to us Jenny, a single mother burdened with mistakes, a bad past and broken relationships. Throughout the novel Jenny is dying of cancer, so right from the beginning we all know whats going to happen- its just getting there that tore my heart apart, I was seriously debating stock in Kleenex while reading, even the book trailer got me a little misty.....( Read review and see the trailer HERE)

5. Nightmare by Robin Parrish- After all those heart breakers I needed to find a thriller...and Parrish for sure delivered that for me in this bite my nails, scary as Hell (literally) take on the departed, the supernatural and ghost hunting. I found this book well researched, thought provoking and above all else shaking in my boots.

6. Immanuel's Vein's by Ted Dekker- Oh how could I not put my favorite author on the list. Unbeknownst to Mr. Dekker Im like his unpaid super spokesperson. I loved this story mostly due to the fact that Dekker stepped out of the box of comfortable Christian Fiction. I loved that he used specific words like breast, tongue and "poopy" to make the common Fundamentalist shriek and gasp. Besides the shock value (that I didn't see) I thought IV was a great finish to the Circle Series and highly entertaining.

7. The Preachers Bride by Jody Hedlund - This is one the first novels Ive read about The Puritans and I really loved the historical background and lovely romance between the main characters. I thought it was warm hearted, serious when it needed to be and funny at the same time. I think the true surprise came at the end when I found out who the novel was about and brought a whole new aspect to the book for me.

8. Blood Law by Jeannie Holmes- This book was a huge surprise for me...(Im no longer reading adult PNR on my blog, earlier this year I was and by far this was the best from that genre for me) I think Holmes offered something different with Alex and broke past cheesy pnr plotlines and show me your hot member dialog to present in depth characters, serious racial commentary's and still managed to stay true to a good vampire story.

9. Stuff Christians Like by Jonathon Acuff- Can you say pee my pants funny. I actually just read this a few weeks ago and haven't even had chance to review it....but I can tell you after reading this (alot of it out loud to my husband) I felt like I had done a hundred sit ups from laughing so hard. Acuff does a hilarious job of making fun of Christian culture and the funny things we do, think and feel. Nothing harming of course just straight up fun and underneath the humor some actual serious questions to ask yourself.

10. The Help by Kathryn Stockett- I know this was published in 2009 but I had to add it to my list. One of my favorite things about a book is when it has the power to transport me to a different time era. I felt while reading this I was there in Mississippi with these women in the story who became my friends. I wanted to hug Abbi, smack Hilly to the floor and shake Ms.Celia to her senses.......The Help this year made it into my top tens of all time. I loved it!!! You can hear me swoon about it some more here.

Honorable Mention- Veracity by Laura Bynum- Another 2009 book but hey this my list so yay for 2009.....By far this has to be the most messed up, disturbing dystopian novel Ive ever read. Take a bunch of popular YA dystopians mush them up together mature them by 1000 and add super freaky, super creepy, rape city and horrendous circumstances, what do you get.... Veracity. To be honest this one was a hard book to get through, I took my time reading it and really tried to let the story soak in the pores...what went in was a crazy look at a government gone wrong and thoughts of could this happen to us? I added this book to my favorite list due to the questions it provoked and how long I lingered on the story. Veracity is defiantly an experience I wont soon forget.................read review here.



  1. Nice list! A lot of those are on my TBR.

  2. Great list. Still Missing made me so mad, I love that it got emotion out of me but I just didn't enjoy it.

    I look forward to reading more from Kristin H

  3. Hi Tina,

    Wow! I'm really honored that I made your top 10 list this year! :-) Thank you so much for such including my book!

    Many blessings to you!

    Jody Hedlund

  4. Juju at Tales of Whimsy.comDecember 14, 2010 at 5:39 PM

    Awesome list. I can't believe I haven't read any of these.

  5. I have been dying to get my hands on a copy of Immanuel's Veins. How I missed it at Booksneeze I don't know.

    I don't usually read Dekker. Do you think I need to read the rest of the series to enjoy this one?

  6. Really great list, several of these on my tbr list. The Help was my favorite book of 2009, I still tell people about it. Have you read Saving CeeCee Honeycutt by Beth Hoffman? I can reccomend it to you, it was so good.

    BTW, I was your secret Santa from the Book Blogger Holiday Swap........after mailing I realized I forgot to include a blog link or an email. I hope you enjoyed...........Happy Holidays!!!

  7. @juju- Arent you a bit squimish with violent stuff?? I would stay far far away from Still Missing. Crossing Oceans is CF, such a good read!!!

    @Joy- You can read IV without reading the Circle Series...Be warned this one is pretty graphic for Christian Fiction...but we big girls can handle it...:D

    @Anita-- I just got my pkg. yesterday. Thank you so much, Ive been wanting to read Something Borrowed forever and my kids loved the clings for the window....THANKS!!! I will be posting the write up and pics sometime this week...:D

  8. Great list Tina! I still need to read Backseat Saints and Immanuel's Vein's!!!


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