Monday, June 4, 2012

Book Review~Easy by Tammara Webber

Easy by Tammara Webber
May 25, 2012 by Kindle/CreateSpace
Paperback, 316 Pages- Nook 538 Pages
Purchased {Nook Edition}

Jacqueline and Kennedy met in high school and were the "it" couple...or at least Kennedy was the "it" guy, popular, good looking and super smart, the world was his oyster, his aspirations made him admired and for Jacqueline it was simple to follow him to college and give up her first dreams of going to a music school. Things are perfect in their little love bubble, Kennedy is a fraternity brother and Jacqueline has made a few friends in his circle. Vacations are split between their families and life couldn't be any sweeter, even if Kennedy takes her for granted sometimes, even if he always puts himself first, they have a love that will last forever.......

During their sophomore year Kennedy abruptly breaks things off, wanting to sow his wild oats and sleep with other people so he can later focus on a political career, at least this is the reason he gives Jacqueline for ending the relationship. A hammer to the head is saying this lightly, Jacqueline was heart broken, confused and just shocked. It takes her a few weeks to get out of bed and even then shes nervous about running into him at class and around campus, but Jacqueline cant escape the inevitable and after skipping her econ class for two weeks, shes in danger of failing the course. After a few tears and a tiny bit of pleading, the Econ professor takes pity on her situation and allows her to do extra credit and hooks her up with the class tutor, Landon who begins emailing her the assignments and helping her out via the Internet.

A scary night at a party changes everything in Jacqueline's life after she is assaulted by one of Kennedy's frat brothers and rescued by Lucas, a guy who she has Econ class with. While having escaped a what could have been brutal rape, the attack, the break up and the failing class all escalate to an overwhelming period in Jacqueline's life but also anchors her to an inner strength she never knew she possessed. With a new self assurance she begins to notice that guy who saved her that night and over the course of weeks in class together the two begin an awkward yet extremely intense relationship. In that almost happy place of getting over her x and discovering a new love that offers so much more than shes ever known, Jacqueline also notices the guy who attacked her has become a somewhat stalker and his presence is terrifying. Scared to really tell anyone she reaches out to her best friend Erin and in a surprising bff move Erin go's to bat for her friend and insists that they take a self defense class which at first is terrible but ultimately empowers Jacqueline to face the attack head on.

It seems though as she faces one obstacle, another arises, while things escalate with Lucas she knows he's hiding something about his life. He's quiet, incredibly smart, an artist, soft spoken and super sexy, yet at the same time he's strong, tattooed, bold and quirky in the way artists are. He's a walking conundrum and getting him to open up is almost impossible. The two cant deny their feelings for each other but Lucas isn't ready to share his past or pieces of his life yet, he's confused and Jacqueline doesn't know the half of it. Lucas doesn't know how to handle the relationship and Jacqueline doesn't know how to move forward with Lucas. All she knows for sure is that she loves him and Kennedy, like the wild fire her life has been, has decided he wants back in. Jacqueline's decision, her boldness to pursue Lucas and her escalating stalker problem will result in circumstances that in the end will change all their life's.

Easy was a profound story about empowerment, healing and moving on. I think anyone could pick up this book and gain something or relate to something within the characters life. Webber created a cast of memorable and stunning characters with the use of a relatable could be any of us girl, an intense flawed yet super hero of a guy and a remarkable best friend who loves, supports and brings much levity to the story.

Whether it be the victim of assault, or a person who is being stalked, bullied or harassed, this book empowers you to tell someone and understand that you should never feel at fault no matter where you were or what clothes you had on or who you are or anything that you did. For someone who has lost or grieves this book says its ok to heal and move on. For anyone who deals with survivor guilt it says, its not your fault and its ok to let go. For anyone who has gone through a terrible break up this book says, a day will come when the pain is gone and destiny will paint a new picture.

Can I please stand on a mountain top and shout to the world..."I LOVED THIS BOOK"....I laughed, I cried, I had my heart broke, I got really ticked, I was in awe and then I cried some more.......and then I got to the end and pumped my fists vigorously, almost managing to pull a muscle. It was full force and in my face with its love, its violence, its friendship and its overwhelming honesty and intense romance. For mature, college age YA it doesn't get, couldn't possibly be any better than this.



Easy is recommended to mature teens- think college age 17&up and contains: Violence including, assault, self-defense, male on male fighting, murder and rape violence. Graphic sexuality- including attempted rape, dialog about rape and sex scenes. Strong language, crime, drug and alcohol use at frat college parties.

5/5- Mature YA- Contemporary

This is 3.99 at Amazon- a great deal for an awesome book!!



  1. Ashley RobertsonJune 4, 2012 at 10:30 AM

    Adding it to my "to be read" pile now! Thanks :-)

    1. Awesome!! I hope you love it...:)

  • Charlotte (The Book on the Hill)June 4, 2012 at 10:50 AM

    Yay, sounds good! Oh, and if you DO climb to a mountain top and shout, please take a picture (or video). :)

    1. LOL- yes! Im thinking maybe a hill now if I have to actually take pictures....funny....but I would totally do it for this book!

  • Missie, The Unread ReaderJune 4, 2012 at 1:02 PM

    I got it!!! *happy dance* Now I wish I could get more hours in the day for reading time. But I'll put this one high up on the TBR because I love tortured artists and the women who love them.

    1. YAAAAY!!! Does Happy dance with Missie.... " {} " that was me wiggling!! I cant wait to hear what you think of this one, so far 2012 has been an amazing reading year, this one is my favorite so far.

  • Jen (In the Closet With a Bibliophile)June 4, 2012 at 2:07 PM

    Just bought it! I'm really excited, it sounds absolutely awesome and one of those books uii don't soon forget. YAY!!

    1. Jen (In the Closet With a Bibliophile)June 4, 2012 at 2:08 PM

      That was suposed to say *you* not uii. Stupid autocorrect.

    2. JEN....Whew-Hew!!!!! So excited your reading it!!! Let me know when your done with it so we can discuss yet another book...LOL...actually just text me...YAY!!

  • Sounds like someone else besides myself having a really crappy week. Though the train wreck comes full force without any breaks, I'm thrilled that there's a sense of empowerment in the book. I think that's what's really missing in "issues" books a lot of the times, especially when it's girls involved instead of the cute boy who rescues the broken girl. I think I really have to check this one out. :)

    1. Oh no...hope things get better Rummanah....:) I was so surprised how much Webber made her girls take a stand and really try to rely on each other and not the guys....I think you will love this one and PS Im reading Breathing Underwater right now and grrrr I cant decide if I like this guy or not....


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