Friday, June 29, 2012

Married with Zombies~Week 5- The Last One!!

Welcome to the Married with Zombies scavenger hunt read along, hosted by Missie, Jen, Loretta, Ashley and myself. Its our last week and what a blast it has been. Link up your answers over at Missies today and be on the look out for the winners...:)

DISCUSSION - Chapters 21-26

 In Chapter 21, David and Sarah venture into a grocery store to try to find some essentials. Show us a picture of the top three items you consider your essentials when you go shopping.

I can't live without my coffee or Diet Coke and yes I am a coffee snob, Dunkin Donuts is my favorite. The kids love peanut butter so its another staple at La Casa Bennett.

 Sarah and David travel quite a distance to “visit” a family member. Show us a picture of your most recent family vacation. Who did you visit and where did you go?

Sorry guys, I don't put pics of the kids on my blog.....the last place we went to was over spring break. We checked out The Creation Museum and spent a few nights in Petersburg, KY.

Sarah refers to David’s sister as the Martha Stewart type because she likes to make things from scratch. Show us a picture a hobby or home project you get enthusiastic about making/doing.

Ok so besides blogging Im not much of a hobby person, Ive tried painting, knitting, sewing, scrapbooking...I kinda suck at it all, so I guess after blogging my favorite hobby would be baking.

LOL- that would be one of my first attempts at making a pie from scratch, a little flat and a little did taste good though so I guess that's all that matters.

David and Sarah decide to start up their own Zombie exterminators business, and even come up with a name and slogan for it, “S and D Zombie Extermination. We take care of your undead issues.” If you opened up your own zombie killing business, what would you call it, and what would your slogan be?

Dirty Zombies
Got a Mess? We'll clean it up!

What were your favorite/least favorite parts of Married with Zombies? Aside from David and Sarah, who was your favorite/least favorite character?

I think my favorite part was when Sarah killed the zombie at the retail store with a cash register. My least favorite character was David and Sarah's Super, he was just gross. I loved Amanda, even though she bit the dust. I actually loved all the zombies too, they made the book fun.

What do you think is coming up next for David and Sarah? Which do you think has a better chance of survival, their marriage or their humanity? Will you continue reading this series, and if so, what do you hope to see happen in the next book?

I will for sure finish the series, this first book was a riot. Im hoping they make it in life and marriage because they are a great couple. I want to see David and Sarah really sizzle in the next book!

AND.... that's it folks. Head over to Missie's and link up and catch the surprise at the end of her post!



  1. Jen (In the Closet With a Bibliophile)June 29, 2012 at 11:58 AM

    Right? I loved the zombies. It never got old listening to the crazy ones. Like the stripper zombies or the jogging suite fat zombies. LMAO! That one was awesome. And I'm very curious to know what kind of pie that was? Did you figure out why it fell? Maybe it needed some ventilation holes? I can't buy pie crusts from the store because they are full of lard and my family doesn't eat pork or any bi-products of pork. So, I had to learn how to make my own. My mom uses shortening, but I use salted butter. I once tried it with unsalted and it sucked. But salted is like heaven. Plus, the recipe is so easy. And I'm a pie freak. I've always preferred pie over cake. Weird? Pumpkin pie is my favorite dessert. And........I'm done rambling about pie. Sorry, LOL! Anyway, love you!

    1. Jen it was a raspberry pie...I think I didn't fill it enough or vent the top properly....I haven't tried a pie from scratch since.....I do better with the premade crusts and then I can just fill it...and not weird, I prefer pie over cake birthday is the same week as Thanksgiving so I always have a pumpkin pie for my Bday treat...:D

  • Melissa (Books and Things)June 29, 2012 at 3:13 PM

    Baking? Oh man... I'll be right over. Do I need to bring my own fork? ;)

    How fun would that Creation Museum would be for a kid. I loved dinos growing up.

    Oh and great business. I'd hire you! :D

    1. The Creation Museum was fun, it had lots of dinosaurs and bones and movies...:) And Ill supply the forks and the coffee....:D

  • So I tried to leave a comment already, but it got eaten. Basically, I said you could bake for me anytime because I suck at it like I do everything else that involved the kitchen aside from eating. Eating I win at. Also, love your grocery store list, but mine would definitely need some chocolate added to it. I live for chocolate:)

    1. LOL- I always have a little bit of chocolate in the house, like M&M's or poptarts or cookies....mmmm cookies....thats why my diet is a big fail....friggn chocolate!!!

  • Missie, The Unread ReaderJune 29, 2012 at 5:19 PM

    Dunkin Donuts coffee is the absolute best! I love it, but I thought it was a hidden gem. So it made me squee in my pants when I saw it on your post!!! We are so kindred spirits!

    And a zombie cleaning service? I love it! Zombies do have a way of leaving bloody tracks everywhere they go.

    1. Oh my gosh Missie that HUGE-ass bag came from costs like 19.99 its a deal considering the small bags are 10 at the store=store.... and we are totally kindred spirits...tell me you use Mary Kay face wash.....LOL


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