Friday, June 22, 2012

Married with Zombies Read Along~Week 4

Whew-Hew, its zombie time! Its week four of our Married with Zombies scavenger hunt read along. Hosted by Missie, Jen, Loretta, Ashley and myself. This week Im hosting, so link up your answers at the end of the post and head over to Missie's to find next week questions.

Discussion-Week 4

In chapter 16 David and Sarah are attacked by freezer zombies in chef attire. Despite its rotten food and disgusting kitchen, lets think about what it could of been before the attack, give me a picture of your dream kitchen or a pic of you cooking your favorite food in your own kitchen... or both.

Ohhhh, lets talk about kitchens! Unfortunately I have a very small kitchen which you can see a picture of here.....but its ok for a girl to dream, I would love to have one that looks like this............{Photo found on Pinterest}

In Chapter 16, David winds up killing those freezer zombies with a blank show me your best one....and yes it must be yours.

This would be my Pampered Chef kill a zombie good with this one.

In Chapter 17 David and Sarah find themselves with some cult like people and wind up trapped. How would you escape? Ropes? me your best.

Trapped in a room with just a bed, Id probably be without ropes, so I guess sheets and blankets would have to do the trick, I myself am not twisting sheets for this read-along, so Ill leave it to your imagination.

In Chapter 19 David and Sarah find a surprise in the car they the midst of crazy its a nice welcome. Now whip me up your favorite one and can include recipes!!

Friends I am not a big drinker, but I do love a good Sangria......or even a fabulous Sangrita as shown here courtesy of my friend Tammy.......

{Photo Copyright by Tamtastic Photos}

The Best Sangria Recipe
{for our 21 and older readers}

1 Bottle of red wine (Cabernet, Merlot, Rioja, Zinfandel, Shiraz)
1 Lemon cut into wedges
1 Orange cut into wedges
2 Tbsp sugar
1 Shot Brandy
2 Cups Ginger Ale or Club soda {Hint: I like Ginger Ale}
Prep: Pour wine in the pitcher and squeeze the juice wedges from the lemon and orange into the wine. Toss in the fruit wedges (leaving out seeds if possible) and add sugar and brandy. I also throw in sliced strawberry's, blueberries, kiwi, a shot of rum, raspberries, or any fruit that floats my boat.
Chill overnight. Add ginger ale or club soda just before serving. Serve with tons of ice. 

In chapter 20, Sarah gets to kill a zombie with a cash register, bringing back memories of her worst retail job tell me whats the worst job you've had......if you can include pictures in your uniform I will die laughing.....or a picture of the place you worked.

I think the worst job I ever had was at a fast food restaurant called Hardee's. I worked there for about 6 months and it was the most horrible job ever. I came home everyday smelling like a dirty greasy cheeseburger which eventually made its way into my pores, my hair, my shoes.......BLACH!!!! No pictures sorry...I burned them. Ok not really, but I have no pictures of me in that stinky gross uniform.
 can include recipes!!

Photobucket5. In chapter 20, Sarah gets to kill 

a zombie with a cash register, 


  1. Jen (In the Closet With a Bibliophile)June 22, 2012 at 12:04 AM

    OMGosh how I love that kitchen! Seriously, I'd like to make love to it. *drools* I love white kitchens with lots of light. Also that knife is freaking awesome. Me want. It's so pretty. Yes, I'm coveting your knife.

    Hardees! I remember Hardees! I would love a pic of you in that uniform. You were probably sexy!

    1. That kitchen is a girls wet dream....LOL!!!! And I love my knife too, I use it to cut watermelon and pineapple with....I guess I could use it to skin a deer but I choose to keep it to the fruit.....

      And sorry but I was not sexy....I was greasy!

    2. Jen (In the Closet With a Bibliophile)June 22, 2012 at 12:24 AM

      Havent you ever seen GREASE? Greasy IS sexy! Lol!

    3. Jen (In the Closet With a Bibliophile)June 22, 2012 at 12:24 AM

      Havent you ever seen GREASE? Greasy IS sexy! Lol!

    4. Dude first your phone and now your computer......creeeepppy.

  • Melissa (Books and Things)June 22, 2012 at 7:56 AM

    Oh remind me not to tick you off in the kitchen! :) So THAT is what that huge knife is for... now I know! ;)

    Hardee's! Everyone I know who worked fast food has said the same thing. ((HUGS)) At least it's over now. :)

    1. HAHAHA- fast food working for me was really bad, Im sure some people love it, but not for me....:)

  • Felicia the Geeky BloggerJune 22, 2012 at 10:10 AM

    I never did the fast food thing but I did work at Kids Mart, Gadzooks, and a few other retail jobs. Those are almost as bad *gah*

    1. I has a couple horrid retail jobs to, one was at a grocery store, I was a cashier and another was at a clothes place called Casual Corner, UGH- that was BORING AS HELL!!!

  • Wow, I really want that kitchen too! Let's just move in together and hoard all our money and then buy ourselves a kitchen like that. What do you say? I could live in that kitchen (not cook mind you, because I fail at that, but live).

    Have a great weekend Tina!

    1. Totally! We can hire a chef too, no prob!! Lets get the one from Ashleys and Melissa's post and we'll be good to go!!!

  • Amy @ bookgoonieJune 22, 2012 at 10:55 AM

    Love your sangrita share. I think everyone should have a crappy retail or food place job. It gives you much needed perspective...that you don't want it very long.

    1. LOL- your right Amy! Unfortunately Ive had more crappy jobs than good....:( Can I please get paid for blogging!!!? LOL

  • Heidi@Rainy Day RamblingsJune 22, 2012 at 2:24 PM

    Ok back to comment. I remember your big kitchen relrganizing last winter...your exisiting kitchen is lovely! Pink Sangria sounds yummy. Oh Hardee's We used to have on in my home town and my sister worked there for a few months. She wore the chicken suit even. They had a kid's play area with a ball pit and kids did nasty things in there....I will never let my kid's play in a ball pit. Do you remember when they had the monster burger at Hardee's? That thing was nasty!

    1. OH MY GOSH...LOL!! The Monster Burger was disgusting!!!! And the Hardees I worked at had no children area, thank god! I never wore the chicken suit, I was the drive-through girl and it was right next to a local college, so of course tons of hot college boys would get burgers at 10pm and Im looking all gross and greasy from the toxic fumes and sludge and grease coming out of the restaurant......!! How I can even stomach fast food EVER is beyond me.

  • Diana (@Offbeat Vagabond)June 23, 2012 at 12:02 AM

    Very beautiful kitchen hon. I love it. I wish I had that knife. Now that is something zombies would run away from. Oh that drink looks delicious. Thank you for the recipe. I plan on trying it. Love the Hardee's story LOL! Sorry you had that smell stuck to you. I know it gets worse when you eat it to often, it really sticks with you. Yuck! Thanks for the awesome post hon :)

    1. The knife is Pampered Chef anyone can buy them...YAY.....and the drink is delicious..:D


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